Friday, November 2, 2007

Tips for getting started

1. Instruction
Undertake some on-line instruction into how to use blogs, or enrol in a workshop to on how to use this tool, providing step by step instructions, guidelines and examples. University of Leeds provides some useful online resources

2. Create your own blog
To commence your new blog visit Create a blog and sign up for a free account. To help get started visit youtube video on how to start a blog

There are many resources available to assist with developing your own personal blog or selecting other blogs to visit. The main points to ensure that the blog provides a focul point, is easy to navigate, loads quickly, stands out from the rest, not overrun with adds, easy to read, good use of colour and draw attention to important features.

How to start blogging:

Tips for effecive writing for the web:

Characteristics of successful bloggers:

Evaluating blogs:

3. Features and tools
After investigating the type of blogs being used there are a number of features and tools that can be used.

How to design your blog page:

How to use blogs to communicate:

Creating an open or closed community
For example in a educational environment teachers and students can control who views or can contribute to their weblog. The following options are available:
a. Closed – only users approved by the owner can read
b. Semi-closed – only users approved by the owner can read and/or post
c. Semi-open – anyone can read, but only approved users can post
d. Open – anyone can read and/or post (including the general public)[1]

4. Policies and procedures
It is important to be familiar with the guideslines for using blogs including code of conduct, privacy, copyright, cybercrime, anti discrimination. etc. Users may also create their own rules for their particular blog.

5. Connecting with others
Blogs can provide a link to other feeds or you can use your own providers to be notified of updated posts. Eg.
RSS/Atom Feeds
Add to My MSN
Add to My Yahoo
Subscribe on NewsGator
Subscribe on Bloglines

5. Coaching & technical support
It is useful to establish a support network with people who can provide coaching or the necessary technical support and guidance that may be needed to help with building skills and confidence while learning to use and create blogs.

6. Suggestions for use of blogs
Students Use
a) Personal development portfolios
b) Project logs.
c) Placement journals(feedback and support can be provided via the post comments facility).
d) Group blogs can be used to organise regular seminar sessions for students to share summaries of readings (see Farrell 2003 example applications 3 & 4)
d) Gathering open and honest feedback from students through reviewing their posts.
d) Building an Alumni community through hosting blogs for graduates
e) Peer assessment and review
f) Support and reflection for students during placement or working on projects.
g) Group blogs

Teachers use:
a) Post course notices and course information or news.
b) Organise seminars and in-class discussion.
c) Provide records of own research activity as reference material for students.
d) Provide opinions on published research in your fielf as a continually updated reading list.
e) Provide discussion of course relatd topics linking to real world implications.
f) Building a resource for frequently asked questions. Students can use the comment facility to publicly ask questions of the staff member. The staff member can also use the comments facility to answer so providing the answer to the whole class of students. [2]

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