Saturday, November 3, 2007


Weblogs used as an emerging technology for teaching and learning, have a positive future. They have an exploding presence on the world wide web, providing an effective means of social communication. However there is much that can still occur in the educational sector to utilise this tool. It is in this area I am particularly interested, and I predict that there will be growth in the use of blogs over the next few years in educational institutions. Blogs will have a major impact on increasing connections, and provide an incentive to achieve best practice, opportunities for innovation, and development of original ideas.

1. Connections
The internet provides everyone with the ability to connect with others of common interest, background, skills, experiences, and to provide readily accessible information on any topic. Blogs are one tool that facilitates these connections, and I beleive will continue to grow in their use and versatility. Tertiary education, particularly Registerd Training Organisations (RTO), are yet to utilize the potential that blogs offer for teaching and learning. Mobile phones is also another important technologhy that will eanble teachers and learners to connect with each other and use blogs as part of this m-learning process.

Predictions for tertiary RTO institutes:
) Increased connections within the institute using blogs as a means of communication and sharing of information.
b) The value of using blogs as a teaching tool will increase as teachers begin to understand how theses can be used, and develop their confidence and skill in using this tool.
c) The potential to connect with other institutes, within the state, country and world will open up opportunities for collaborating on issues of common interest. Blogs will assist with this communication and sharing of ideas and information.
d) Mobile learning technology will provide opportunities for easy means to communicate via blogs, and make connections more timely and relevant to the context of learning.

2. Best Practice
Blogs will provide students and teachers with an incentive to continue to build on their skills and knowledge. Rather than continuing to ‘re-invent the wheel’, teachers will learn from each other, utilise others resources, and hopefully be inspired to reach the demonstrated level of best practice. Blogs will make access to this information more readily available, and encourage teachers share and learn from each other.

Students on the other hand will become more self directed in their learning through being encouraged to access information available on the internet such as hyperlinks and RSS feeds. They will also become more reflective in their thinking through their use of blogs, and demonstrate some connections to their learning, and creative thought or new ideas of their own. Through the use of blogs, students will work more collaboratively with others, and see the role of the teacher more as a facilitator and mentor.

Predictions for tertiary RTO institutes:
a) Increased emphasis on inquiry based learning, and cognitive thinking, rather than just doing what is needed to pass assessment.
b) Blogs will provide teachers and students with a presence on the internet that will increase their reputation and visibility in the profession.
c) There will be an increase in sharing information and promoting discussion.
d) A focus on collaboration, working in teams or pairs, and learning from each other.
e) Increase in the standard of skill and knowledge of the industry sector.
f) Increase in engagement and interest in learning through the use of blogs.

3. Innovation
As the skills and knowledge increase, the potential to become more innovative in our work will increase. By learning from each other we will discover new ways to build on current practice, rather than continue to reproduce current thinking. Continuous improvement will be evident in our work as people collaborate with others outside the institute, and may potentially lead the world in producing innovative ideas and methods.

Prediction for Tertiary RTO Institutes:
a) Staff in all departments to seek out opportunities to link in with discussion forums to contribute and learn from others.
b) Easy access to RSS Feeds, current research, and best practice occurring in the public and private sector.
c) Mobile phones to be used as a means to blogging information, demonstration of skills and learning relevant to workplace.

Teachers and students will begin to move out of the classroom and back into context within the industry, work together, share ideas, think original thoughts and enjoy their learning experience.

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