Friday, November 2, 2007

Blogging Tools

There are many free systems on the web dedicated to developing your own blog. Suggestions for what to look for in using and designing blogs can be found on

The following are examples of hosting systems:


Blogger launched in 1999 is owned by Google provides some easy to follow step, a range of templates and additional features such as Audioblogger for posting audio recordings.


This is free to schools and needs more server space and technical support on site. It has a number of plug-ins and extra features that are appealing to teachers and students.


Wordpress is an alternative free system, where comments or links can be filtered, or moderated before publishing


Edublogs largest education free community on the internet designed in Australia in 2005 for teachers with a focus on teaching and learning, powered by WordPress, It is safe, secure and provides an opportunity to embed video, create podcasts and customise your space.


Bloglines is a free aggregator that offers blogging along with search and personalised subscriptions to blogs and news sources that you can access from any Internet connection


TypePad is a hosted subscription based blogging service provided by Six Apart, targeting commercial uses


Ellg is a non-commercial service used atLeeds university to host a community of blogs for the purpose of providing social networking

RSS Feeds

RSS otherwise known as Rich Site Summary or Real Simple Syndication, is another tool built into most blogging software. This useful tool provides a link or feed from a website that can be viewed regularly. By subscribing to an aggregator, or news feeder collector, the website subscribed to can be collected and stored in a folder ready to view.

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